Internet access

Internet access

Registering with us is very simple. As soon as you are registered as a resident you will be invited to join the association Turmstraße 1 e.V. This association is responsible for the premises and the general administration of the house, especially the internet access. Usually you will receive all important information by email before you move in. If there are any questions, the house representatives and net-agents will be happy to answer your mails!

“I have no WLAN reception!”

Unfortunately, we do not yet have a comprehensive WLAN in the dormitory. The problem has been around for quite a while, but we are in contact with the ITC and try to solve the problem as soon as possible! Of course we are very sorry about this and we have to ask you to use your Ethernet ports in your room as long as possible. Especially the rooms on the outer edge of the house are affected.

Please note that own private WLAN routers are not allowed.


Entries referred to § 5 TMG
Turmstraße 1 e.V
Turmstraße 1
52072 Aachen


Anna Wehmeyer
Patrick Kemper
Philip Helf

Entry in the register of associations
Register court: Amtsgericht Aachen
Register number: VR 5854


Occupancy Committee



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